Tag Attack...7...?
Man I got tagged!! And I shall have my revenge...muahhahhaaa!!
7 things I wish to do before I die
1.Live in Africa, Europe, South America and Australia for short durations of my life (yeah that’s most of the continents on the planet)
2.Own a boat and learn to sail (and fly as well…the tag says 7)
3.Start restaurants, many different kinds of restaurants in many different places.
4.Learn pottery (I’d add scuba diving, bungee jumping, sky diving, being in a rally, snowboarding and a whole bunch of other things…but again the tag says only 7)
5.Study more…a lot more.
6.Write one book and follow it with many books (don’t we all want that??)
7.Live one full day knowing that my life is complete and that I have fulfilled my purpose on earth. (a moment is not enough to bask in such divine knowledge) then I am ready to die!!
7 things I do not enjoy:
1.Being around obnoxiously loud and vulgar people or those that use a lot of cuss words needlessly.
2.Pretending (yeah I do it sometimes to get by) or tolerating pretense when subject to it.
3.Heavy Metal, Hard Rock and all its variants…acid, punk…blah!
4.Conversations where people say ‘like’ and ‘I don’t know’ excessively.
5.Getting up early in the morning.
6.Arguments with people I least expect to argue with.
7.Uncomfortable silences…not having anything to speak about.
7 things that attracted me to Blogging
1.I could write and share it without baggage and junk. I feel safe with my thoughts because I know there are others that think like me.
2.I get to witness amazing snapshots of people and their lives, stories and opinions and be a part of their life. The interaction is awesome!!
3.The blogososphere connects us all inexplicably. I love that!! The sense of déjà vu when you read something or know that someone across the world you never ever met is going thro the exact same thing at the exact same moment, or that they hold an answer to your question or vice versa. The entire 6 degrees of separation thing….I just love that!!
4.What I could learn….I find that addictive. There is tremendous wisdom to be gained…if we want it.
5.The possibility of new relationships, friendships beyond the comments and chats.
6.Blogging is a good way to channel my energy and restlessness. I sometimes have too much of both.
7.An effective way for me to chronicle my life and store memories. There are so many….and I want to remember everything.
7 things I say most often
1.Cool, neat, nice, awesome, wonderful…(depending on the season and various such peculiar aspects)
2.Correct, right
3.Thank You
5.Oh Man!!
6.For Goodness sake!!
7.Can you believe that!!
8.Bonus – When in India – Dear Lord, please help me find a parking spot…
7 Books I like (just 7 eh?)
1.The Bible (dont get spooked please!! I am normal!)
2.Crime and Punishment
3.Oliver Twist
4.Pride and Prejudice (actually all of Jane Austen)
5.To the Lighthouse
6.DHL (everything I have read that is)
7.Tintin and Asterix comics
7 Movies I want to watch (and have watched) again and again (Just 7..oh this is cruel!!)
1.Lawrence of Arabia
2.Gone with the Wind
3.The Apu trilogy, particularly Pather Panchali
4.Citizen Kane
5.Love Story (so not the Hindi one)
6.Before Sunset
7.Any movie that catches my fancy
7 pieces of Music I enjoy (just 7…this is really bad!! There are just too many genres and too many pieces. I’ll try, but…)
1.Tchaikovsky – Swan Lake
2.Handel – Messiah
3.Pancharatna Kritis – (particularly Jagadaananda karaka and Sadinchane O Manasa)
4.Jazz –for goodness sake, don’t ask for a single piece now!!
5.Fazal Qureshi and Shankar Mahadevan’s Tea Break – the whole darned album
6.Rabbi Shergill – Ishtihar from Bulla ki Jaana
7.Raghu Dixit – his rendition of Shishunala Sharifas’s songs – not yet released…look out for it
7 people I am tagging (muahhahhahaa!!)
2.Doc Das
Why O Why chay dearest did u drag me in this ?? I am one dimentional person.. where am I going to find 7 different things to say about the categories that U mentioned ???? U cud have killed me with Ur bare hands instead of tagging me :(
Heavy Metal, Hard Rock and all its variants…acid, punk…blah! ... cho saaad, *sniff sniff*
Hoi chay penney - howz thou ... ye back to diggin garden n bloggin often kya ;))
you could have made it versatorial Smiling “ada ada ada” and end each time with “but the tag says only 7”
good "like" is not among the things you say often. :P chay, whats DHL?
I love Pather Panchali. :-) :-) Thanks for doing the tag!
O Parik...come now, tut tut!! You can do it....you wont even have to get up from your chair for this!! :-p
I can cheer ya on...go parik!! go parik!! go parik!!
Inter...and life goes on!! not yet digging, but sure am burying some stuff!! Are you enjoying the chopping?? :-p
Bloo...you are welcome!! DHL = DH Lawrence da guru!! :-D
The next time you must rap yours eh!!
Ur tragi-comic cheering sure works like magic.. Check this out madamsiolle Satte Pe Satta
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