Oh what a year!!
I can’t remember when last I checked my blog or the associated mail ids. But I am overwhelmed by the number of comments/mails asking after me, wondering where I was etc. Thanks my friends!! I had no doubt that I was charming…but this loved!! Sniff sniff in joy!!
My hiatus has been eventful. Well, today is an event in itself. I turn 29 on the 28. The last year was the once in a life time 28 on 28th event!! Well…I feel it’s special to turn 29 on 28th…my birthday is always special to me. It makes me look back on my life and I always feel so grateful toward God not just for my life, but for all the people in my life, my family, friends, the twists and turns, the interesting lessons, the pain, the sorrow, the lack, the disappointments, the achievements, successes and victories, heck even the quiescence that I sometimes choose to call boredom. It’s all wonderful!! My life is wonderful!!
So what has happened in the past year of my life… the last 6 months specifically?
I traveled to India. Wow that was an awesome trip!! Meeting all the bloggers in Bangalore was one of the highlights of my trip. It was more than just putting faces to handles and names. It gave me an opportunity to understand relationships, myself, people and the beauty in them better. There are many many fun things we did…and no, I won’t write about them all here. I don’t know if I do want write everything…
India…Ah India!! What amazing things I did this time. I drove 800 Kms in 3 days with my parents. Stopping in over 6 different towns/cities, spending time with family and some old friends. I drove…by myself…and enjoyed it too. Mom and I drove down to Mysore, and met some of our oldest and dearest friends. People I have not seen since I last left Mysore in 1994. That was an emotionally overwhelming trip.
I managed to find some long lost friends. A childhood friend that I have not seen in 13 years. That was such a wonderful thing…The other was my best buddy in college. We parted ways after college and went separate ways. He was always on my mind but I did not know where to look for him. Eventually, I did track him down…That was so cool!! I also met my ex-boss in the airport on my way to Seattle…he was flying to SFO…I must write about this later on!!
I went down to my school in Mysore….Oh boy!! I will write about too that later…
I met the Bay area bloggers…that was fun too. We met up at a really nice restaurant for dinner…SSM, Peppo, Aditi and moi-self. We had spent the day at Berkeley and my family dropped me off for dinner near the restaurant and decided to grab a bit themselves in another restaurant. Then they walked around the area trying to stay close to where I was, while browsing the shops etc, and went past the restaurant a couple of times. They did not really see me, but my niece missed me so much that when she spotted me she ran up to the glass and tapped on it (we had a table by the street) Digressing, but remember that adorable scene from ‘A Perfect Day’ with Michelle Pfeiffer and George Clooney? Well she did not blow fish faces at me and I was looking away when she did come and tap the glass. Peppo got a good scare and we spoke about how kids could run around like that and what that was all about. Since I did not see the kid, I had no idea that this was my kid!! ...later on when we stepped out to go get some coffee and dessert, my niece spotted me again and ran towards me. Well…My family was embarrassed that they intruded on my time out with friends…but it was ok!! I can never forget the look on Peppy’s face!! Oh boy…that was totally worth it!!
I threw my husband a surprise birthday party. I managed to keep it a surprise…it took a lot of work; friends pitched in helped to keep him away on the day of the party. Poor guys, they went to play a game of golf, the weather turned out to be miserable…they played in the rain and sleet, finally gave up when the clubs started flying out of their hands, eventually they gave up and ended up playing board games at a friend’s house. But that was an awesome party. I managed to fit 30 of out closest friends in my small living room, and cook for all 30 of them. The orange cake with the orange curd glaze was a major hit; my almond cake was finished in minutes…as was the paneer tikka, the grilled shrimp, chicken samosas and veg puffs. I had also made rosemary pita chips, and some drinks as well…It was supposed to be a tea and cake party. It was a lot of planning…but it was totally worth the trouble!! Hubby dear was wowed and speechless for days.
After having lived in this country for over 3 years I finally got myself a driver’s permit!
I bought me a cool car…well an SUV actually! A Suzuki XL7 that I am enjoying thoroughly. I will not crib about the gas prices!!(so help me God!) I constantly fill the car with soil, mulch, plants and such things…It has a great sound system which I am enjoying very much!
I decided to give in to my darling dentist and finally went in for a check up. I have a phobia towards dentists. The more time they spend fixing my teeth, the more scared I am of them!!
I have grown a garden – I am still landscaping my back and front yard. It’s a lot of back breaking work…there is still a lot more to do. But I am determined to do it myself instead of hiring someone to do it…It makes the whole experience memorable. For instance the 375 lb sod cutting machine that my hubbs had to maneuver to remove some grass. More on that later...
I will be having another little niece in a few months!! That is just great!! We can now have our own little girlie gang in the family. Of course that means the pressure on us has quadrupled!!
It seems like I have given my camera a rest - temporarily!! This season on my life seems to have a lot of things packed in.
This will be my last year in the 20’s….the next year I turn 30 and my dad turns 60. I suddenly realized this the other day. It was humbling when I thought about how much more experienced and wise my father is than me…and how little credit I have given him. How much more he has to offer and how little I am willing to take.
This will be a good year….I know so!! I feel at peace with life, with myself and with my Maker….inspite of all the fears and doubts, I feel peace!!
Perhaps some I can say like Sinatra…
And now I think of my life as vintage wine
from fine old kegs
from the brim to the dregs
and it poured sweet and clear
It will be a very good year!! I know so!!