Meme for the moment - "8 qualities I want in a perfect lover"First of all it is extremely cruel to ask happily married people to make up such lists. We (we insist) are happy with what we have, regardless of whether it is on the list or not. Those that are not happy are in the process of becoming happy. On the other hand, it causes us to revisit some of our ideas and notions about ‘the perfect partner’ as well as reevaluate our relationship/marriage. So I don’t mind writing this meme, although I must admit making this list was easy. But I had to be careful not to make this list too perfect, coz then I’d be subject to the perfection test and fail miserably!!
I got tagged several days ago…and I honestly forgot to write it up. Sorry Shpriya for the delay…but here goes.
1. If he cannot converse he cannot hold my interest. Must be able to make meaningful conversation. If we stop talking the romance is dying…
2. Can be as much of a guy (scratching, belching, chest thumping included) as he wants. I have no problem with him being who he is. In fact I’ll join him when he ogles at girls and even point out the few that he misses, engage in occasional belching contests and do as many guy things as I can. But when the time and place requires, he must be polished, suave and sexy!!
3. I want a man not a child and I don’t want a toy either. He must have a mind of his own and be able to think for himself. No room for imposition here, we are partners….and we are both allowed to make as many mistakes as it takes.
4. A great sense of humour, one that is not exclusively dependent on dirty stuff. If he cannot make me laugh I will forget to laugh and that will be a bad thing for this world. It is my man’s job to keep me entertained and vice versa. Either ways a lot of laughter is a must!!
5. Adventurous spirited chap. He has to be an outdoorsy kind of a guy, given to traveling, sports (since I know nothing of sports) and someone who will try most things that are new. Won’t include eating worms and things like that, but he must be able to bring in something new as I will.
6. Needless to say has to be well dressed and smell good and clean. Must have a sense of fashion…Goodness, I can’t think of being with a Govinda wannabe!! Or a garbage truck for that matter!!
7. He has to be passionate about life but balanced. Must be ambitious, energetic and driven but should also know how to kick back and smell the roses and violets and be spontaneous. Must have chutzpah!!
8. Books, music, good wine and good food, romance, chivalry, good taste, same wavelength, tuned to the inner me, quick to forgive and quicker to apologize etc etc…those go without saying, but hey, I’ll say it for the record anyway!!
To sum it up, James Bond will do!! But then what will I do with someone that’s that perfect? Everything will be so precisely tailored that I’d get bored. If he is perfect then I am expected to be perfect…so no thank you!! Besides, the moment we are perfect we die. Imperfection is what keeps us here on earth and connected to other imperfect souls.
And when I actually think about it, I have a better deal than I imagined. He gets 8 on 8 from my list!!
Heck I have someone even better than James the Bond!!
Am tagging - Vivek, Bharat, Nachi, Inter and Fizo