This old house

I went by your house looking for you
Searching for a remnant of us
I expected to see smiles and tears
I thought of the questions and fears
I even expected accusations and jeers
But you were gone, you had moved on
You had faded even from the nameplate
That used to decorate your broken gate
The steps on which we sat and dreamt
Laughed back at me in bitter contempt
Tormenting, willing me to go back in time
to take a peek at this moment in its prime
A sepia picture of you bouncing out
A guitar, a grin and arms stretched out
I waved back, felt it was going to be okay,
But into distempered oblivion, you faded away
I went by your house looking for you
Searching for a remnant of us
All that’s left is a decrepit old carcass
of childhood stories and what once used to be us.
A broken castle with a lock old and rusty
Guarding scattered memories old and dusty
I came by your house looking for you
You are gone. You have moved on.